Protected: Dating Issues Uncovered

June 25, 2009 at 1:05 pm (birth control, Dating, hormones, male privilege, personal)

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February 4, 2009 at 2:59 pm (birth control, Books, feminism, male privilege, ovaries)

Another book I read on holidays over Christmas.

This book is horrifying in its detail on what women went through before abortion was legalised.  The mindset described in these stories should convince anyone of the need for both legal abortion and easy access to contraception.  Next time a politician starts mouthing off about things they have no idea about, send them a copy of this book.

And the most glaring aspect of the book to me was the huge role men play, whilst actually playing a relatively minor part when it counts.  By this I mean, you have men donating their sperm throughout the book to create the unwanted pregnancies, the doctors performing the illegal abortions for extortionate amounts of money are men, the police officers etc etc.  Men play big parts in the stories, but they are irrelevant to the actual decisions and heartbreak the women go through in most of the stories, though not all.

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February 4, 2009 at 1:48 pm (birth control, Books, feminism, ovaries)

This is a good book.  Go buy it.

It contains some ideas that shouldn’t be classed as ‘radical’ but are in this society.  Simple things that opened my eyes to a world of possibilities.

After reading it, I’ve decided to give my body a go at no hormonal birth control for awhile.  Given my recent battles in this area (here and here), I’m sure there will be side effects.  But so far it seems to be ok.  My period pain is lessening and is becoming bearable, so I’m giving it a go without the painkillers too.  This is revolutionary for me.  I use painkillers for absolutely everything and worship at the altar of pharmaceutical companies.

inga muscio’s ideas on how to deal with rapists are also worth some thought.  Absolutely awesome.  As are the business ideas in the book.

Anyone else read it?  No one in my offline life has read it except Nigel.  He decided to read it after I’d finished and I’m impressed with the speed he’s picked up some ideas.  He’s now moved on to Female Chauvinist Pigs, so my turn to read that has to wait til he’s finished.

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September 2, 2008 at 12:05 am (birth control, feminism, idiots) (, , )

I recently had a conversation with Nigel’s older sister about being childfree.  This headed quite swiftly into the territory of tubal ligation as I pointed out that women under a certain age without children are not able to get this done easily.  She seemed to think it was perfectly ok for this to be the case as she has had many friends who were anti children when young, but grew out of it as they got older.  She did freely admit that none of these friends were so anti having kids that they would have gotten the tubal ligation, but clearly this was not the point in her mind.

After awhile of arguing about this, Nigel’s mum jumped in to tell me how wrong I am. I tried to gracefully bow out of the argument many times by stating that they will never be able to convince me I shouldn’t have full rights to my body and what I do to it, but they continued to try and argue with me.

A few of their arguments summed up:
1) there are other options available so it’s not necessary
2) people will regret it later in life
3) doctors are just trying to protect us by not allowing it

argument one doesn’t surprise me coming from his older sister as she’s twenty five (ish) and never had sex, nor has she ever been assaulted. She is a big victim blamer when it comes to rape and therefore probably doesn’t consider the possibility that it could happen to her one day.

In terms of the regret/protection argument, no. No one else needs to protect me. Thisi s my body and my right. If I happen to change my mind at a later date, that’s my cross to bear and everyone else can just back out of it. And I don’t want ANYONE else banning me from doing something for my own protection. Women are not children. We do not need some higher authority looking out for us for our own good. We just need to be left the fuck alone.

His mum brought up people who apparently have a sex change operation and then sue the doctors as they didn’t have enough counselling to make the decision. There was no evidence used to support this argument. Just the idea that there are such people out there and that they are the reason doctors won’t engage in unnecessary surgeries.

These people make it hard for me to have any hope for women as a whole.

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A second post on hormones and birth control

July 17, 2008 at 12:44 pm (birth control, doctors, hormones, ovaries) (, , , )

Well, if I’d realised how many hits I’d get from a post about birth control, hormones and hair, I probably would have written more much sooner.


It does not matter how much hair you have. It honestly, truly doesn’t. I promise you that putting your body through hormonal birth control is not worth being hairless. Just, don’t do it.

Ok now on to my personal stuff.

My psychologist seemed concerned that I have a low sex drive. She said at my age (21) it is not normal for it to be almost non existent and I should get my hormones checked. It was at this point I remembered that a side effect of poly cystic ovaries is increased testosterone levels.

So apparently there are side effects no matter what I do. I guess at least without the hormonal injections, I’m letting my body do what naturally happens. And if it’s bad stuff that happens, I can get the causes fixed, not cover up the symptoms with hormones.

I still feel like women were royally fucked when our bodies were made. It’s our ‘women parts’ that screw up the most.


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Hormones, birth control and hair, oh my!

July 6, 2008 at 12:27 pm (birth control, hormones, ovaries) (, , )

Due to a whole host of medical issues, my doctor has taken me off Depo Provera. The problem is now they’ve found I have Polycystic Ovaries. Or a polycystic ovary to be correct. This can often result in darker, thicker hair on your face (on top of all the really bad symptoms I mean). For years this not only went undiagnosed, but the depo kept my hair situation at a good level. Now, after being off it for almost a year, the hair on my upper lip is starting to darken and thicken, noticeably.

I hate that I care about this, but I know that everyone else does. So now, do I do something about it, and continually do that for the rest of my life, or do I pretend it’s not there and hand out verbal smackdowns where needed? Or do I ignore my emotional wellbeing and go back on the Depo? I would need to find a new doctor as my current one would refuse to prescribe it for me.

I know I’ll end up ignoring it, but I’m VERY bitter that it’s even an issue. And I wish I was strong enough for it not to be an issue, but I’m not.

Hormons, birth control and hair: why I’m bitter tonight.

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